Wed-20-06-2018, 11:08 AM
(Thu-14-06-2018, 13:06 PM)Fred Wrote: There is no obligation for UK citizens to have one as we are still in the EU, but some are saying it will make it easier to apply after Brexit. However there are some saying that it is a pointless exercise as we still don't know what will happen after Brexit and what we will be applying for.
At Chez Fred we have decided to go with the latter and not bother going for the Carte de Séjour before Brexit. I can see come the day after Brexit that the sous préfecture will say it's all a different system now and you have to go through a whole new process as your Carte de Séjour no longer applies to UK citizens.
Quite agree Fred.
I can't see the point in applying for a Carte de Sejour as they haven't been needed for many years and even the French regard them as outmoded.
On top of that I read that an appeal court in Amsterdam on Tuesday June 19 threw out a lower court's decision to refer to the European Court of Justice the question of whether Brits can remain EU citizens after Brexit.
The Dutch appeal court agreed there was a question to be answered BUT it would have to wait until the outcome of Brexit negotiations were known.
Take your pick folks. Anyway I don't have any Irish relatives.