Wed-19-01-2022, 13:33 PM
I think the main contact is Médiateur du groupe La Poste at the following address:
Le Médiateur du groupe La Poste
44, boulevard de Vaugirard
CP F407
75757 Paris cedex 15
Unless it's sent lettre recommandée accusé de réception I suspect they'll ignore it as that seems to be standard practice in France. If you want to follow that route and you're still in the UK I'd be happy to print and post it for you.
Le Médiateur du groupe La Poste
44, boulevard de Vaugirard
CP F407
75757 Paris cedex 15
Unless it's sent lettre recommandée accusé de réception I suspect they'll ignore it as that seems to be standard practice in France. If you want to follow that route and you're still in the UK I'd be happy to print and post it for you.