Mon-05-08-2013, 07:55 AM
When we had our ducks, we used some blue plastic 'clamshell' kids sand pit jobbies, worked pretty well and they certainly enjoyed the paddling - that is when they could shift the hulking great golden retriever that thought it was fun to jump in and out of.
You'll need to top up the water accordingly and I would also suggest changing it entirely quite frequently as ducks have a habit of doing what ducks do best as soon as their bums touch the water. It quite quickly goes from fresh to a green sludgy composition.
Failing that, you could always go down the dechetterie and see if they have any old baths available, sink it into the ground and fill - although the smaller ducks can find getting back out a problem if the water level is not right up to the top as the sides are a little too slippery for them.
Personal choice is the clamshells - the bath method you really need to keep an eye on the little ones as if they can't get out can get into serious problems.
You'll need to top up the water accordingly and I would also suggest changing it entirely quite frequently as ducks have a habit of doing what ducks do best as soon as their bums touch the water. It quite quickly goes from fresh to a green sludgy composition.
Failing that, you could always go down the dechetterie and see if they have any old baths available, sink it into the ground and fill - although the smaller ducks can find getting back out a problem if the water level is not right up to the top as the sides are a little too slippery for them.
Personal choice is the clamshells - the bath method you really need to keep an eye on the little ones as if they can't get out can get into serious problems.