Fri-03-06-2016, 12:36 PM
They are getting a huge amount of people using the site, but I've got mine done.
If it helps here is what to do. *Click images to enlarge.
Click the button marked with the red arrow.
And this one.
Scroll down to the bottom.
Now you need to fill in the questions. *Put your phone numbers in for contact and remember to add them again at the bottom you can add more by clicking "Ajouter à numéro de téléphone"
Now sit back and wait for an email.
Click ici
You are now registered and they will send you another Email to confirm. *It may take a while so be patient.
If it helps here is what to do. *Click images to enlarge.
Click the button marked with the red arrow.
And this one.
Scroll down to the bottom.
Now you need to fill in the questions. *Put your phone numbers in for contact and remember to add them again at the bottom you can add more by clicking "Ajouter à numéro de téléphone"
Now sit back and wait for an email.
Votre demande d’inscription sur le site Bloctel, liste de protection contre le démarchage téléphonique, a bien été prise en compte.
ATTENTION : pour finaliser votre inscription, vous devez impérativement confirmer la réception de ce courriel en cliquant ici
Click ici
You are now registered and they will send you another Email to confirm. *It may take a while so be patient.