We are currently in Vietnam and access to the around Montmorillon site is often blocked by the server ( as we are in a dodgy location to be accessing the site?)
A useful (free) app us "open door" which is available for iPhones etc and possibly others,. We have been able to connect using this without getting the "error 403 message " that we get if trying to connect otherwise.
May not be very useful to many others but handy if your in parts of Asia etc.
There were various other VPNs etc that we tried which all worked well but they were nearly all trial versions of paid apps.
Open door seems to be permanently a free one
A useful (free) app us "open door" which is available for iPhones etc and possibly others,. We have been able to connect using this without getting the "error 403 message " that we get if trying to connect otherwise.
May not be very useful to many others but handy if your in parts of Asia etc.
There were various other VPNs etc that we tried which all worked well but they were nearly all trial versions of paid apps.
Open door seems to be permanently a free one