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Full Version: VHS recorder/player
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Hi all

I have 40 VHS cassettes, each with an hour's news coverage. The set covers the years 1930-1969.  

The problem? I no longer have a machine on which to play them.

Anyone have a working model to sell or know where I can get one?


Funnily enough, the depôt des vents in Lussac Les Chateaux had one in their stock last week for 10€ - it might still be there as I can't believe that they are very popular these days...
(Tue-12-04-2022, 12:49 PM)Brian Wrote: [ -> ]Funnily enough, the depôt des vents in Lussac Les Chateaux had one in their stock last week for 10€ - it might still be there as I can't believe that they are very popular these days...
Sans engagement is the way they put it. It hasn't stopped them from increasing the original 12 euros a month to 15, without telling me and without replying to any of my mild grumbles.

I haven't pushed it because, as you say, it's a very good deal. When they increased the price around 4 months ago they also increased the 100GB data plan to 130GB.

BTW thanks for mentioning Bricot Marché. Its range is, as you said, better than Mr Bricolage, it's cheaper (I saved 50 euros on a battery strimmer compared with Mr Bricolage) and the staff know a lot more about what they sell.

Having been to Bricot Marché I've just been to Lussac LC !!!!!!!!!

I'll try the depôt des vents tomorrow after visiting the Montmorillon exhibition which is being put on by a mate of my ex from 25 years ago.

PS On an English keyboard what do you type to get a circumflex accent on the o [I just copied yours] or the grave accent on a or e? I found the acute é by an accidental misstype  Smile
(Tue-12-04-2022, 19:01 PM)Peter Grimsditch Wrote: [ -> ]On an English keyboard what do you type to get a circumflex accent on the o [I just copied yours] or the grave accent on a or e? I found the acute é by an accidental misstype  Smile

There are many ways, including holding down 'ALT' and typing the 3 or 4 digit ASCII code for the character concerned. Thus
Ô is achieved y holding down 'ALT' and typing 0212 on the numeric keypad - it doesn't work if you use the digits above the letter part of the keyboard.
Here's a table (which I have printed out and keep with my laptop) showing the charcters and their codes:

à = Alt + 133
á = Alt + 160
â = Alt + 131
À = Alt + 0192
Á = Alt + 0193
 = Alt + 0194

é = Alt + 130
è = Alt + 138
ê = Alt + 136
ë = Alt + 137
É = Alt + 144
È = Alt + 0200
Ê = Alt + 0201
Ë = Alt + 0203

î = Alt + 140
ï = Alt + 139
Î = Alt + 0206
Ï = Alt + 0207

ó = Alt + 162
ô = Alt + 147
Ó = Alt + 0211
Ô = Alt + 0212

ù = Alt + 151
û = Alt + 150
Ù = Alt + 0217
Û = Alt + 0219

æ = Alt + 145
Æ = Alt + 146

ç = Alt + 135

Quotation Marks
« = Alt + 174
» = Alt + 175

There's also a very handy website where you can follow some very easy instructions to type accents, then copy and paste the text. It can be found at French Typeit.

I hope this helps!
