Around Montmorillon

Full Version: French language
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Are there any groups who get together to work on improving their French?
Or any classes?
My wife has recently started to go to classes in Montmorillon,they have different classes dependant on ability,if you like I'll get the details and post them here or to you directly if it's of interest,Clive
Thank you, Clive. Yes, you can let me know about the classes here.
Hi Clive,

If you could please post the details here I'd be grateful as I am sure there are other members who would benefit.

My wife is registered with the Pole Emploi so this service was proposed by them to help in her search for employment.The name of the organisation is:
CCI Vienne
Eco Espace
70 Rue de Concse
Tel: 0549915160

They have different levels so you can get an assessment to which class,i you are registered with the Pole Emploi then it is free otherwise it is a paid class.The term has just started(2 weeks) so not sure about inscriptions,hope this may help,Clive