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Full Version: Carte de séjour anyone ?
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(Thu-14-06-2018, 13:06 PM)Fred Wrote: [ -> ]There is no obligation for UK citizens to have one as we are still in the EU, but some are saying it will make it easier to apply after Brexit. However there are some saying that it is a pointless exercise as we still don't know what will happen after Brexit and what we will be applying for.

At Chez Fred we have decided to go with the latter and not bother going for the Carte de Séjour before Brexit. I can see come the day after Brexit that the sous préfecture will say it's all a different system now and you have to go through a whole new process as your Carte de Séjour no longer applies to UK citizens.

Quite agree Fred.

I can't see the point in applying for a Carte de Sejour as they haven't been needed for many years and even the French regard them as outmoded.

On top of that I read that an appeal court in Amsterdam on Tuesday June 19 threw out a lower court's decision to refer to the European Court of Justice the question of whether Brits can remain EU citizens after Brexit.

The Dutch appeal court agreed there was a question to be answered BUT it would have to wait until the outcome of Brexit negotiations were known.

Take your pick folks.  Anyway I don't have any Irish relatives. Whistle
Is everyone on here aware of the meeting on the 21st in the Espace Gartempe Salle No.2 in Boulevard du Terrier Blanc at which the Prefecture will be explaining the current application procedure and required documents for a CdS.  Which is ironic since that is the day that according to Dominic Raab the deal will be done.  Just keep your heads down to avoid the flying pigs!
(Fri-02-11-2018, 14:03 PM)PilotPaul Wrote: [ -> ]Is everyone on here aware of the meeting on the 21st in the Espace Gartempe Salle No.2 in Boulevard du Terrier Blanc at which the Prefecture will be explaining the current application procedure and required documents for a CdS.  Which is ironic since that is the day that according to Dominic Raab the deal will be done.  Just keep your heads down to avoid the flying pigs!

We went!  Here are the notes that I took ...

Carte de Sejour meeting in Espace Gartempe 21 November 2018

Organised by the Sous-préfecture of Montmorillon with two representatives of the Préfecture Carte de Sejour (CdS) office in Poitiers.

One hour PowerPoint presentation followed by one hour of Q & A.


Please refer to the webpage.

All applications need to be posted to the Poitiers address after December 1st.  The Montmorillon Sous-préfecture can forward the dossier for you. Existing requests are in the system.

Going through the form

• The form will need a French mobile number for a text from the Poitiers préfecture.
• If you submitted a dossier and have been given and appointment, then please attend.  However, please note many appointments have been cancelled.  You may cancel your appointment by phoning 0549556911.
• The Prefecture wants to have received all dossiers by March 29 2019
• The date of entry on the form is important – it will determine your eligibility to the length of CdS granted.
• Passport must be valid.  If about to run out, get a new passport and use that number.
• An email address is essential in case of the need for the préfecture to request additional information/documents
• Add details of family as requested on form as they want to apply in the future for their own CdS.
• Check carefully the category you fall into:
o In paid employment
o In self employment
o Non active, including retired
o Student – CdS limited to length of studies
• Two or more people applying from the same house need to post in the same envelope, especially if sharing documentation, e.g. joint income

Documentation required – double check with website.
NB Translations not required.  Do not send originals of documents.
• The four page form
• A copy of your passport
• Proof of residence in the Vienne
• 3 ID photos
• A CERFA signature – use the CERFA and form and sign in black ink inside the small rectangle.  DO not put a photo in the large rectangle despite it being labelled photograph!
• Proof of health cover
• Proof of income

The Montmorillon sous-préfecture is currently changing its phone number!  
Use this number in future = 05 49 27 25 25 for enquiries to the Montmorillon sous-préfecture
Use the Poitiers préfecture [email protected] email from December 1st for enquiries.

• You will receive a text from the Poitiers préfecture on your French mobile number in French telling you that your Cd Sis ready for collection.
• You will need to use the website to make a RDV to collect your CdS.  You will need to make a separate RDV for each person.  You will need to take your passport.  
• RDVs will be released in two/three week blocks every two to three weeks.
• Collection will be from Poitiers préfecture.

Questions and answers
• CdS needed for each person over 18
• When CdS  runs out, apply again, before it runs out.
• If waiting on a CPAM number, then wait until number is issued, then apply but do it before March 29th.
• A copy of a tax return(s) can be used for both income and length of residency purposes.
• No need for a CdS if you have an Irish passport.
• Residence in France needs to be at least six months per year to count from Day 1 = date of entry on form
• A CdS is needed for stays in France of more than 3 months.
• If you have aged non-active dependent relatives then they will need a separate CdS but you can provide and attestation of ‘income’ for them.
• Poitiers préfecture will look into validity of the EHIC as proof of (temporary/emergency) health cover.
• Country of Birth and nationality are what they say, e.g. born in India but of British nationality.
• Add stepchildren etc.  They want to apply in the future for their own CdS.
• If you have bought, then sold and are currently renting so have a ‘difficult’ proof of residence, then included a covering letter in French.

Apologies again for errors and omissions.  I was listening to the Q&A session so know I missed a couple.

Many thanks to the representatives from the Poitiers préfecture, the Montmorillon Sous Préfect and staff, and the translators.

Hope this helps one and all

PS Brian asked me to scan the documents but the CdS application form, details of the supporting documentation and the CERFA signature form are on the website.

Many, many thanks for creating that succinct and informative report.
It all looks a lot better than I feared - fingers crossed!
Thanks so much for posting this for us.  Thumb
Good Work - Thank you!
Thanks Chris and Julie

Really helpful info.

Shame I don't have a French mobile.  Maybe I won't pass the first hurdle. Rules   Basically I hate mobile phones.

I can't help thinking that this is a rather cack-handed attempt by the French government to find out how many Brits are living in France.  They have repeatedly said over the years that they have no idea how many of us are here.  Why?

Or is it an attempt to flush out those Brits "busking it" and living on the black?

Call me a cynical old fool if you like. Whistle
Yeh.........Collected our 10 year CdS today from Montmorillon today.
Remains to be seen if we will need them , or if they will be useful !
But .........better safe than sorry and certainly can't do any harm.

Now a patient wait for our French driving licences !!!
(Wed-30-01-2019, 12:24 PM)interstate750 Wrote: [ -> ]Yeh.........Collected our 10 year CdS today from Montmorillon today.

Quick question - when did you submit your paperwork? I'm wondering how long the process takes?

Took just 7 weeks !
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