Around Montmorillon

Full Version: Ready mixed concrete
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Can anyone recommend a company who can supply small quantities of ready mixed concrete for a floor at a reasonable price including delivery? In this case, I deem 'reasonable'to be about 100€. I need about 2 cubic metres.
Thanks in advance,
Sorry about the delay in replying Brian.  

So long in fact you've probably already sourced your ready mix.

But....if not, Iribarren just outside Monty supply the stuff.  Only problem is I don't know what their minimum delivery weight is.

They're on the road from Lathus to Montmorillon down a dirt track after you've passed the slaughter house heading toward Montmorillon.

Phone is 05 49 91 06 53.

(probably on holiday as it's August) Whistle

There is also a mob just outside Lussac le Chateau that does the stuff.  Can't remember the name.  There.  That was really useful.  Not. Doh
Thanks Admiral.
In the end I borrowed a mixer from a friend, bought some melange from the non-Irribarren quarry near the slaughterhouse (very reasonable prices as long as cash is offered) and bought the cement when it was on offer from Bricomarché. In the end the 2 cubic metres cost about €40.