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Full Version: Poitiers Hospital parking changes
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If you are going to the CHU Hospital in Poitiers there are some parking changes in place as from now.

The changes effect the three main car parks nearest to the hospital I marked in Red on this map.

[Image: kMepBGc.png]

#1 In front of Jean-Bernard 526 places.
#2 Next to pôle régional de cancérologie 115 places.
#3 In front of centre cardio-vasculaire 123 places.

When you arrive at one of those car parks you will need to take a ticket. When you leave the hospital you will need to put your ticket in a machine near the main exit just outside where all the smokers stand That's for Jean-Bernard, I'm not sure where the other machines are located. When you leave the car park you will need your ticket to open the barrier.


#1 If you have a consultation you will be given a card with one of your barcodes on that you always get when you visit. You put your car park ticket in the machine and then scan your barcode. The machine will keep your car park ticket and your barcode will now get you out of the care park Free of charge at the exit barrier. So if you have to go to the hospital for treatment, don't worry you will not have to pay for parking.

#2 If you are just visiting you will put your car park ticket in the machine and it will tell you how much you have to pay. After payment your ticket will get you out of the car park at the exit barrier. Those without an appointment will have access between 8am and 7pm, Monday to Friday. The rates applied will be those of Potiers Center, namely 0.40 € for the quarter of an hour during the first two hours, 0.20 € for the quarter of an hour for the next two hours, then 0.10 € for the quarter of an hour following. A fixed price of 0,50 € applies from 19h to 8h.

* Free Parking:
  • Everyone, the first hour, Monday to Friday.
  • All weekends and bank holidays.
  • The patients who come in for a consultation.
  • Patients who come in hospital for the day and for iterative treatments.
  • Patients in traditional hospitalization (the day of their release).
  • People with disabilities.
  • Parents of a hospitalized child.
  • Relatives of a patient hospitalized in intensive care.
  • The companion of a mother in maternity.
  • VSL, ambulance and taxis.
  • Two wheels.
The car parks of the geriatric centre and the palliative care unit remain open and there are around 400 places spread around the site with free access for all.

*I think they are also going to be offering a Free Valet parking service for Emergencies soon by what I can work out.

You can read more here: