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Full Version: Ostensions Le Dorat
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Went through Le Dorat the other day and it looked like Christmas was coming.  Huh

A little bit of research later and I found out all the Christmas Trees are to do with the Ostensions. Apparently it happens every 7 years and I was wondering if anyone had ever been? If you have, do you know when is the best time to go and where would be the best place to experience it without being in the Church.

I did find this website and it looks like the procession is at 11:45 this Sunday 22nd.

I'm not a religious person but it does look like they put a lot of effort into and thought the procession could be worth a look as it's only every 7 years.

So is it worth a look and where can you see it?
Drove through Le Dorat on Saturday coming back from England.

I did wonder if I'd been in Angleterre longer than I thought and that Christmas was already here.

Sorry.  Never been to an Ostentation - or even heard of it before.

That website you posted looks as though the whole thing is deeply religious.  Nuff said on my part. nono
Yes it did look odd seeing all those christmas trees lining the road. I did worry it may be a bit to religious for me after watching the video, I like seeing the architecture of the churches but that's about my limit.

I was more thinking as it's only every 7 years it could be worth seeing. Maybe it's more for the local people as I've not seen it advertised anywhere.

Could I be expecting something spectacular to happen and as with most events around here but I blink and miss it.  Glass