Around Montmorillon

Full Version: Short intro from me
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Hello everyone I'm Fred. I have lived in France for 9 years now don't know where the time has gone, must be Age I didn't intend to live in France it just happened that way.

It all started in 2004, me, the wife, and the dog set off to tour Europe for a year with a 4x4 and a huge caravan, we had sold the house and the business and it was now time for the gap year we never had. First stop to chill out for a while was just north of Paris and decide where to go next. We had planned on heading east and maybe up to Russia, but not liking the north of France we decided to give it another go before moving on.

The map came out and over a few glasses of Merlot a pin ended up in Le Blanc. So off we went to give France another go, we got to Le Blanc but the camp site just didn't appeal so we continued till time was running out and we stopped on the campsite at Saint Savin for the night.

Well time to make this a bit shorter I think (don't want to bore you). Got carried away with time and as winter approached and the campsite was closing, we decided to rent. Move on in the Spring then shall we? Nope we liked the area and the people, so we purchased a house.

Never looked back, never got to Russia, but we are happy.

That's enough for now, my glass is empty. Thumb