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I've just been going around the garden to see what spring flowers were popping up as the sun was out, and found lot's of daffodils and snow drops appearing. But I just got a huge surprise when I notice what look like two Daffodils growing out of one of our little Oak trees.

And if you're wondering about this being set up, I can assure you it's not. We have never put daffodil or any bulbs in a tree, and they are well rooted. The only way I can think of how they got there would be that some animal like a squirrel maybe has dug them up from the ground and hid them there, but they are not very well hidden so I just don't know how it happened.

[Image: 2_21_02_14_4_44_28.jpeg]
Never seen anything like it.

This is obviously:

1) A stunt

2) Trick photography

3) You and Mrs Fred, whilst in your cups, decided it might be a lark to plant daffs in a tree.Doh

The prosecution rests its case M'Lud and calls on the jury to deliver a verdict of guilty as charged on count three.
UPDATE: They are still growing, still can't figure out how it happened but it just goes to show how easy daffodils are to grow.

[Image: 2_18_03_14_5_48_08.jpeg]
In full bloom today.

[Image: 2_19_03_14_6_32_31.jpeg]