Around Montmorillon

Full Version: Compte resiliation - Saur and Soregies
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Well that's good news. Despite being a few thousand kilometres away from France I've been able to close my accounts with both Saur (water) and Soregies (electricity).

Both accounts have been cancelled simply by completing their required forms and giving proof of having sold the house.

We sent both sets of documents by way of courier (yes I know could have done it using the online LRAR I previously posted about), but at the time the courier was more suitable.

So it does appear that France is coming into the modern age, neither supplier needed to visit the house to take a final reading, they were happy to take my word for the final reading.

Interestingly enough, Soregies had done an estimated bill for the last period (it was due to be read a couple of days before the sale finalised) and they have happily removed the final invoice without any fuss, which is great because of course they had seriously over-estimated how much electricity an empty house uses Tongue.

Saur, we were previously paying monthly and had already accrued more than enough to cover the use this year and have creditted it all straight back into my bank Five
I've found Soregies to be very helpful, if their estimate is way out we tell them our reading and they send a new invoice. Thumb

So have you left us for good now ?
I suppose one could call it a temporary spot of the Romany lifestyle - albeit to a country where caravans simply don't exist Big Grin no mobile roadblocks for me.

We're not sure what our long-term plans are, we might be back again some time in the future it all depends on how the job pans out and if our wanderlust kicks in again.
Good luck with what the future brings. Thumb